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Prices and Opening hours

First time visiting Tromsøbadet?

Rules of general conduct and safety

Read our guidelines before visiting Tromsöbadet. Here are some of the most important rules that applies to all our guests:

No camera

take a picture? NO thanx.

Due to security reasons, no phones or cameras are allowed in Tromsøbadet. This also applies to the wardrobes.

What to wear

Only approved swimwear

Only approved swimwear is allowed in Tromsøbadet. Ask for advice at front desk or buy swimwear in our shop.


use towel in sauna

Extra towel is mandatory in the sauna.

Shower naked and use soap BEFORE entering the pool

And if you want to see naked men, you should watch this video:

Lost assets?

Lost assets are kept at front desk for 2 weeks before being sent for recycling.

Assets of presumed high value are handed over to the police.